I will listen to and value opinions different than my own
I will be authentic and transparent with the community
I will tell the truth and keep my promises
I will fight for those less fortunate than me
I will steward our community forward for future generations
My Commitments

I grew up in Los Gatos and have called this beautiful community home for my whole life. I am a committed Town Commissioner, a nonprofit professional, and an active community organizer. I have seen this town change and grow during my life, and I am committed to stewarding us in the right direction.
I always knew I wanted to live a life of public service. I took a long path of figuring out exactly what that would look like, exploring careers in the armed forces and police or firefighting, until I found my passion for public service through the means of government service. I have served our community in a variety of different ways, from working directly in and with our government to serving in the nonprofit sector to participating in volunteer service to organizing mutual aid efforts.
I have worked at all levels of government, including for our member of Congress, Representative Anna Eshoo in Washington DC. I spent time in the district offices of Assemblymember Evan Low and Senator Bob Wieckowski. In between my time working for elected officials, I worked for the United Nations Foundation in the public health sector. During this time, working on the East Coast and serving people living abroad, I realized that where I could really make an impact was much closer to home.
I returned home to Los Gatos and jumped headfirst into getting engaged in our community. I then spent time substitute teaching locally, where I gained a first-hand appreciation for just how amazing our educators are in this community. During this time I became involved with a variety of community organizations and was appointed by the Los Gatos Town Council to serve on the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission. I was also hired by a local nonprofit to oversee a 30-person Americorps program.
As I became increasingly involved in the community, I became more passionate about serving the town. Every road lacking a sidewalk, every small business hurting, and every renter struggling to pay rent deepened my desire to create change in Los Gatos. I started attending every Los Gatos Town Council meeting and began trying to figure out how best to move our town forward.
A catalyzing moment occurred when, while attending a Town Council meeting, I witnessed the hate and vitriol being launched against Los Gatos Town officials at Town Council meetings. I immediately started organizing my friends and neighbors to combat the cruel behavior on display in our town.
This saga ended in the Los Gatos United Against Hate March, where thousands of community members came together to demonstrate the true loving values of Los Gatos. In my speech to the crowd, I said that “today, we are beginning to build something together, a movement in our community towards more kindness, love, and decency.” I believe this campaign for Town Council is a continuation of that movement.
I ultimately made the decision to run for Los Gatos Town Council to build a stronger, more beautiful community for all the residents of our town.
Our community needs leaders who will stand up and steward our town through difficult times.. Whether it be how how to support our small businesses, how to meet our housing requirements, or how to respond in the event of an emergency, I will be that leader.
I believe I have the energy, experience, and integrity that our town government needs right now. I am excited to apply my extensive background of public service to the Los Gatos Town Council. With your support, we can achieve our shared vision for the future of Los Gatos.